Ampler for Mac and Office Online - Next generation tools for Microsoft Office

Ampler for Mac and Office Online


Please perform the following steps to deploy Ampler for Mac and Office Online:

  1. Go to
    • NB: Accessing the ‘Microsoft 365 admin center’ requires administrative access. If you get an error message stating you don’t have access, then please contact your IT department.
    • NB: Centralized Deployment of Office Web Add-ins requires that your organization have one of the following Office 365 licenses, so if you don’t see the option to deploy an Office add-in, your Office license may be the cause:
      • Microsoft 365 Business (Business Basic, Business Standard, Business Premium)
      • Microsoft 365 Enterprise (E3/E5/F3)
      • Microsoft 365 Education (A3/A5)
      • Microsoft 365 Government (G3/G5)
  2. Click on ‘Upload custom apps’
  3. In the ‘App type’ dropdown choose ‘Office Add-in’
  4. Select the radio button ‘Provide link to the manifest file’
  5. Enter one of the following links depending on which Office application you’re deploying Ampler for:
  6. Click ‘Validate’
  7. Then proceed in the flow to select target users or groups to deploy Ampler to.
  8. Microsoft states that it can take up to several hours before the add-in appears in Office. For deployments on Mobile, it can take up to 24 hours. Unfortunately, this is not something we can control.
  9. When Microsoft has deployed the Office add-in, users will see a new Ampler tab within Office. When clicking on the ‘Library’ or ‘Settings’ buttons within the Ampler tab, users should enter their company license key manually.
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