Bain PowerPoint slide decks are of the highest quality, but to create a great PowerPoint presentation like those from top consulting firms can be difficult, especially when these slide decks are hard to find. But fear not! – we have gathered many Bain presentation slides that are available online for free.
So, if you are looking for a well-organized presentation structure that facilitates clear communication for your slide deck, then these PowerPoints are what you seek.
Bain & Company is commonly known as one of the Big Three management consulting firms, along with McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group. Bain was founded in 1973 by Bill Bain, a former vice president of Boston Consulting Group.
During the 2000s, the company expanded into various areas, working with non-profits, technology-focused companies, among others. Bain has developed a substantial practice in consulting for private equity firms.
Renowned for their approach, Bain works closely with clients to implement strategic changes and improve business performance. Their consulting engagement involve rigorous problem-solving to challenges businesses and organizations face. Bain’s expertise spans multiple industries and are a pioneer in leveraging advanced analytical tools to drive business transformation.
A strong commitment to support social impact through its Bain Social Impact Initiative sets the organization apart from other Big Three management consulting firms. The initiative focuses on achieving change in education, environmental sustainability, and economic development, making Bain an ideal resource for presentations on these issues.
Consulting is a sector that provides expert advice and solutions to organizations in order to improve their performance and solve problems. They offer specialized knowledge across various fields; examples include management, strategy, finance, IT, etc. Often, but not always, consulting firms are owned by partners – senior-level consultants who own a share of the company and are responsible for client relationships.
The way consultancies work often follows these steps: A client hire consultants to gain new and different perspectives on their business or organization. The client defines the project scope, where consultants then gather data and analyze market dynamics, consumer behavior, among other important aspects.
After the analysis, consultants develop and determine strategies and solutions tailored to the client’s needs and suggest implementation. This is why a consulting presentation is an ideal template to use if you have complex analysis or solutions to convey. Consultants are excellent in communications of this and able to present this to a client or an audience effectively.
Now that you know what consulting is and why consulting presentations are ideal for ideas on how to present your own findings and insights, an important question arises: What makes them stand apart?
The slides in a consulting presentation have one extremely important key feature, which is the action title. An action title sums up the key takeaway information of the slides. The rest of the slides provides more context to the overall point presented in the action title.
An example of an action title could be: 85% CXO’s are prioritising digitial, 75-80% are prioritising cash management and commercial strategy. As you can see on the slide below, the action title clearly conveys the main point. The rest of the slide gives additional information on how many CXO’s prioritise each strategy.
A consulting presentation also needs to have a fairly simple design to effectively present data and information in a concise manner to the client. The story flow of the slides needs to be follow a clear starting point, going from introduction to the problem and ending with an executive summary that distils the key findings and recommendations. This structure will be highlighted in the following section.
Understanding the presentation structure of consulting presentations can be useful as it can be guide to the structure of your own presentation.
Creating a well-structured consulting presentation is crucial for effectively communicating your analysis, findings, insights and recommendations to clients. A clear, logical structure helps ensure that your message is understood and that your audience can follow your argument.
The following is a typical structure for a presentation to a client
-Title Slide: with the client name and project title
–An Executive Summary that summaries the key findings and recommendations for the client
–Introduction of the consultants presenting, including names and titles
–Table of contents or agenda: A list of the main sections of the presentation
-Introduction of the project: These slides sum up the client’s situation and the problem addressed
–Analysis of current situation: The slides here present the main findings including charts, graphs and information as needed
–Conclusion of Analysis: The impact of the problem on the business or organization
–Recommendations: Providing detailed solutions and strategies to the identified problems and highlight benefits of them
The presentations also have an appendix attached, where any additional information, data, charts, methodology etc. are included to give more details. It’s important to note that these slides are additional and therefor should not be necessary for the audience or client to understand the main points in the presentation.
Provided below you can see how an agenda can look like:
You don’t have to work in a consultancy in order to take advantage of Bain PowerPoint slide decks. If you work with marketing, financial services or similar fields, then these consulting presentations are a great resource for inspiration regardless of profession.
Mastering the art of creating a presentation at the level of a consulting presentation takes a lot effort and focus; however, remember it’s a skill that must be mastered through a process. Going through and understanding this process will help you succeed with clients and stakeholders.
It’s important to track your skills as you progress through each stage of the process and to take feedback into account. Doing so will help you create high-quality consulting presentations that are useful for business clients or any kind of audience.
this will help you creating a consulting presentation of high quality, useful for a business client or an audience of any kind.
Now to what you look for a collection of Bain Presentations!
As mentioned, Bain PowerPoint slide decks are a great resource for inspiration for your own presentation. Perhaps you are even writing about or discussing the same topic as these presentations.
We have gathered plenty of Bain presentations, ranging from client projects to industry reports. Note that some are of an older date, nevertheless, they are still useful.
For collection of presentations slides for McKinsey click here and for Boston Consulting Group click here.
Here are some slides specifically made for different clients:
–University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Cost Diagnostic: Final Report (2009)
–Business Cost Optimization at Con Edison (2019)
–School Start-up Plan: Overview and Instructions (Unknown)
These slides highlight trends and challenges in specific industries. Examples include industry reports on commercial aviation and online publishers:
– Bain/IAB Digital Pricing Research (2008)
– COVID-19 – Commercial Aviation: outlook and scenarios (2020)
– Covid-19 Retail Webinar: Scenarios and Implications for Brazil (2020)
–Introduction to Bain & Company / Report on resilience (2021)
Gathered here are some slides about market overviews and global trends, for example Argentina’s consumer market and the state of the supply chain post-Covid:
– 2011 China Luxury Market Study (2011)
– Altagamma 2014 Worldwide Markets Monitor (luxury) (2014)
– Employee Inspiration: How to Create Energy That Drives Better Customer Outcomes (2016)
– The Future of Luxury: A Look Into Tomorrow to Understand Today (2018)
– Procurement through COVID-19 (2020)
– How to Accelerate Digital Solutions to Win in the New Normal (2020)
– Covid-19: Chile’s Consumer Pulse Update (2020)
– Covid-19: Argentina’s Consumer Pulse Update (2020)
– Covid-19: Brazil’s Consumer Pulse Update (2020)
–Covid-19: Columbia’s Consumer Pulse Update (2020)
Luxury and Coronavirus: Figures, Trends and CEO Agenda (2020)
– COVID-19 Fact base and potential implications for Brazil (2020)
– Covid-19: A Multimillion Results Journey through Operations Efficiency (2020)
– The future of supply chain in a post-COVID world (2021)
Some presentation collabs around the digital economy of Southeast Asia (SEA) and Google:
– Beauty@Digital – A study by Bain & Google (2016)
–e-Conomy SEA 2019 – Swipe up and to the right: Southeast Asia’s $100 billion Internet economy (2019)
– e-Conomy SEA 2020 – At full velocity: Resilient and racing ahead (2020)
– e-Conomy SEA 2021 – Roaring 20s: The SEA Digital Decade (2021)
These presentations are unspecified:
–Introducing Bain and the way we work: Presentation to FCEE-UCP (2007)
–Bain Case Competition – Comcast (2016)
–Engaging your organization to deliver results (2019)
– Covid-19: Situation Report and Action Agenda (2020)
–Pursuing a 5 Star Employee Experience (Unknown)
– Stress Management at Bain (Unknown)
These are not consulting presentations; rather they are briefs in the form of Word documents containing excerpts from presentations. Therefor they are still a useful resource for creating slides for a consulting presentation. The briefs are covering topics like digital transformation and marketing.
–Putting Social Media to Work Word Brief (2011)
–China’s E-Commerce Prize Word brief (2013)
–The Great Eight – Trillion Dollar Growth Trends to 2020 Word Brief (2015)
–Management Tools & Trends Word Brief (2015)
–Making it Personal: Rules for Success in Product Customization Word Brief (2015)
–Healthcare 2020 Word Brief (2020)
Bain has lots of useful articles on their website full of insight. An article is not a full deck, but they do contain excerpts from slides and charts made by Bain. Therefore, checking a Bain article is still a good source on how to make insightful slides for your slide deck. Some examples are provided below; others can be found on
–Macro Challenges are Converging (2022)
–The Exploding Generative AI Market (2023)
–10 steps to successful M&A integration (2024)
–How Consumer Product are Adopting AI (2024)
–China is now Driving the Global Electric Vehicle Transition (2024)
–Life Sciences: Navigating Shifts in the Innovation, Regulatory, and Operational Terrains (2024)
–Better With Age: The Rising Importance of Older Workers (2024)
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